Another Year has come and gone...
Jigga wha??!
This year was spent very simply at home, snarfing pizza and finally watching T.V. in the comfort of our living room.
We were going on 4 months with no Tele and I think we were both reaching our breaking point. We are couch potatoes by any means but there comes a time where you have watched every movie that you own and your sick of going out to restaurants to catch a football game.
Money and Time people. So, we decided to give the old antenna one more try... Wha-la, turns out I may have been trying to set it up wrong all along.
Of course, Andrew tries one time and it works and when I try to tell him that I tried that same thing he won't believe me.
For all of you out there... I know that I tried the exact same thing and that dang antenna gave me NOTHIN!
I'm over it. My ellen watchin days are back and I won't complain.
This past year has been so good to me.
Last year I would have called you crazy if you told me I would be married, moved twice, and pregnant I would have given you a crusty along with a big fat HA in your face.
Nonetheless, here I am pregnant and living in Boise, ID.
And everything feels like it has gone exactly as it was supposed too.
I wish I had some wonderful resolutions like blogging regularly, losing weight, and learning something new etc. I don't and I am okay with that. Right now, I am content with my growing body, the fact that I am not exactly sure what makes me tick yet, and I can't commit to this blog like I dream of. All in good time my friends!
I can't wait for next year, and the next, and the next after that. I'm learning that life is good.
Figuring everything out has become my daily routine, and guess what I'm loving it.
These pics capture our New Years perfectly.
Yes, I was sporting no make-up, no bra, and a big ol smile all day.
Holla 2013. Bring it :)