Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I like Tuesdays.
Especially this Tuesday.
Well, simply because Tuesdays are the day I turn a new week pregnant. Today I am 18 weeks prego and going strong. I get a text at approximately 9:00 AM on the morning of the new week telling me all the new things that are going on in there. I usually cheat and read ahead but still I appreciate the text.
Why do I especially like this Tuesday? 
Because, in exactly two weeks from this very day we are leaving for our Thanksgiving vacation. Did I mention we are going to Sunny California where I will plan to drink my first sip of Diet Coke in over two months. I also plan on squeezing babies all week long and enjoying great family chats. 

I love me some vacation.

Oh, and on that Tuesday two weeks from now I will be exactly half way to meeting our baby BOY. 

 Wait IS it Election Day? Kidding. 
It's a good TUESDAY.

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