Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 6.

Oh wow I have fallen far behind. It's amazing how fast your life can fill up with things. Anywho, I am here to tell you what animal I would keep as a pet. Well you see the only pet that I have ever had is a dog. I have nothing against dogs and I am sure if you got me one I would live it to death. On the other hand I must say that I have had the worst experiences with dogs. Not because they are naughty, but simply because they die or you come home from school one day and your mom has decided to sell your dog to another family, or because you try to buy a dog from an American family that just barely moved to Africa and you send them your money only to find out that they have taken your money at the airport and refused to give you your dog. That's about all my heart can handle right now. I know that sentence was record' breaking long and was 100% grammatically incorrect but oh well I don't have time to go back and edit, so you will just have to forgive and forget today. So, if hypothetically speaking I were to open my heart again and take in a pet it would be a small dog of any kind. It would shed and it wouldn't have babies. I was thinking maybe a little something like this...

1 comment:

  1. haha chels. that made me laugh. I remember when my poor poor chels got scammed.
